DAS, version development

DAS configurations

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DAS configurations

DAS configuration file

DAS configuration consists of a single file, $DAS_ROOT/etc/das.cfg. Its structure is shown below:

[das]                    # DAS core configuration
verbose = 0              # verbosity level, 0 means lowest
parserdir = /tmp         # DAS PLY parser cache directory
multitask = True         # enable multitasking for DAS core (threading)
core_workers = 10        # number of DAS core workers who contact data-providers
api_workers = 2          # number of API workers who run simultaneously
thread_weights = 'dbs:3','phedex:3' # thread weight for given services
error_expire = 300       # expiration time for error records (in seconds)
emptyset_expire = 5      # expiration time for empty records (in seconds)
services = dbs,phedex    # list of participated data-providers

Admin = 50               # number of queries for admin user role
Unlimited = 10000        # number of queries for unlimited user role
ProductionAccess = 5000  # number of user for production user role

[web_server]             # DAS web server configruation parameters
thread_pool = 30         # number of threads for CherryPy
socket_queue_size = 15   # queue size for requests while server is busy
host =           # host IP, the means visible everywhere
log_screen = True        # print log to stdout
url_base = /das          # DAS server url base
port = 8212              # DAS server port
pid = /tmp/logs/dsw.pid  # DAS server pid file
status_update = 2500     #
web_workers = 10         # Number of DAS web server workers who handle user requests
queue_limit = 200        # DAS server queue limit
adjust_input = True      # Adjust user input (boolean)
dbs_daemon = True        # Run DBSDaemon (boolean)
dbs_daemon_interval = 300# interval for DBSDaemon update in sec
dbs_daemon_expire = 3600 # expiration timestamp for DBSDaemon records
hot_threshold = 100      # a hot threshold for powerful users
onhold_daemon = True     # Run onhold daemon for queries which put on hold after hot threshold

[dbs]                    # DBS server configuration
dbs_instances = prod,dev # DBS instances
dbs_global_instance = prod # name of the global DBS instance
dbs_global_url = http://a.b.c # DBS data-provider URL

[mongodb]                # MongoDB configuration parameters
dburi = mongodb://localhost:8230 # MongoDB URI
bulkupdate_size = 5000   # size of bulk insert/update operations
dbname = das             # MongoDB database name
lifetime = 86400         # default lifetime (in seconds) for DAS records

[dasdb]                  # DAS DB cache parameters
dbname = das             # name of DAS cache database
cachecollection = cache  # name of cache collection
mergecollection = merge  # name of merge collection
mrcollection = mapreduce # name of mapreduce collection

capped_size = 104857600
collname = db
dbname = logging

[analyticsdb]            # AnalyticsDB configuration parameters
dbname = analytics       # name of analytics database
collname = db            # name of analytics collection
history = 5184000        # expiration time for records in an/ collection (in seconds)

[mappingdb]              # MappingDB configuration parameters
dbname = mapping         # name of mapping database
collname = db            # name of mapping collection

[parserdb]               # parserdb configuration parameters
dbname = parser          # parser database name
enable = True            # use it in DAS or not (boolean)
collname = db            # collection name
sizecap = 5242880        # size of capped collection

[dbs_phedex]             # dbs_phedex configuration parameters
expiration = 3600        # expiration time stamp
urls = http://dbs,https://phedex # DBS and Phedex URLs

For up-to-date configuration parameters please see utils/das_config.py

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