DAS, version development


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Source code

DAS source code is freely available from [DAS] github repository. To install it on your system you need to use git which can be found from [GIT] web site.


DAS depends on the following software:

  • MongoDB and pymongo module
  • libcurl library
  • YUI library (Yahoo UI)
  • python modules:
    • yajl (Yet Another JSON library) or cjson (C-JSON module)
    • CherryPy
    • Cheetah
    • PLY
    • PyYAML
    • pycurl

To install MongoDB visit their web site [Mongodb], download latest binary tar ball, unpack it and make its bin directory available in your path.

To install libcurl library visit its web site [CURL] and install it on your system.

To install YUI library, visit Yahoo developer web site [YUI] and install version 2 of their yui library.

To install python dependencies it is easier to use standard python installer pip. In on your to get it download virtual environment [VENV] and run it as following:

curl -O https://raw.github.com/pypa/virtualenv/master/virtualenv.py
python virtualenv.py <install_dir>

Once it is installed you need to setup your path to point to install_dir/bin and then invoke pip:

export PATH=<install_dir>/bin:$PATH
pip install python-cjson
pip install czjson
pip install CherryPy
pip install Cheetah
pip install PyYAML
pip install yajl
pip install pymongo
pip install ply
pip install pycurl

DAS installation and configuration

To get DAS release just clone it from GIT repository:

git clone git://github.com/dmwm/DAS.git
export PYTHONPATH=<install_dir>/DAS/src/python

DAS configuration is located in DAS/etc/das.cfg file and DAS executables can be found in DAS/bin area. To run DAS server you need to setup five configuration parameters, DAS_CONFIG, DAS_CSSPATH, DAS_TMPLPATH, DAS_IMAGEPATH and DAS_JSPATH. The former is location of your das.cfg, while later should point to DAS/src/{css,templates,images,js} directories.

For your convenience you may create setup.sh script which will setup your environment, its context should be something like:

dir=<install_dir> # put your install dir here
export PATH=$dir/install/bin:$dir/mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.2.2/bin:$PATH
export PATH=$dir/soft/DAS/bin:$PATH
export DAS_CONFIG=$dir/soft/DAS/etc/das.cfg
export DAS_CSSPATH=$dir/soft/DAS/src/css
export DAS_TMPLPATH=$dir/soft/DAS/src/templates
export DAS_IMAGESPATH=$dir/soft/DAS/src/images
export DAS_JSPATH=$dir/soft/DAS/src/js
export YUI_ROOT=$dir/soft/yui
export PYTHONPATH=$dir/soft/DAS/src/python
export PYTHONPATH=$dir/install/lib/python2.6/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$dir/install/lib

where I installed all packages under local $dir/install area and keep DAS under $dir/soft/DAS.

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