DAS, version development

DAS CLI tool

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DAS CLI tool

The DAS Command Line Interface (CLI) tool can be downloaded directly from DAS server. It is python-based tool and does not require any additional dependencies, althought a python version of 2.6 and above is required. Its usage is very simple

Usage: das_client.py [options]
For more help please visit https://cmsweb.cern.ch/das/faq

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v VERBOSE, --verbose=VERBOSE
                        verbose output
  --query=QUERY         specify query for your request
  --host=HOST           host name of DAS cache server, default is
  --idx=IDX             start index for returned result set, aka pagination,
                        use w/ limit (default is 0)
  --limit=LIMIT         number of returned results (default is 10), use
                        --limit=0 to show all results
  --format=FORMAT       specify return data format (json or plain), default
                        query waiting threshold in sec, default is 5 minutes
  --key=CKEY            specify private key file name
  --cert=CERT           specify private certificate file name
  --retry=RETRY         specify number of retries upon busy DAS server message
  --das-headers         show DAS headers in JSON format
  --base=BASE           specify power base for size_format, default is 10 (can
                        be 2)

The query parameter specifies an input DAS query <das_queries>, while the format parameter can be used to get results either in JSON or plain (suitable for cut and paste) data format. Here is an example of using das_client tool to retrieve information about dataset pattern

python das_client.py --query="dataset=/ZMM*/*/*"

Showing 1-10 out of 2 results, for more results use --idx/--limit options


And here is the same output using JSON data format, the auxilary DAS headers are also requested:

python das_client.py --query="dataset=/ZMM*/*/*" --format=JSON --das-headers

{'apilist': ['das_core', 'fakeDatasetPattern'],
 'ctime': 0.0015709400177,
 'data': [{'_id': '523dcd7f0ec3dc12198a44c5',
           'cache_id': ['523dcd7f0ec3dc12198a44c3'],
           'das': {'api': ['fakeDatasetPattern'],
                   'condition_keys': ['dataset.name'],
                   'expire': 1379782315.848377,
                   'instance': 'cms_dbs_prod_global',
                   'primary_key': 'dataset.name',
                   'record': 1,
                   'services': [{'dbs': ['dbs']}],
                   'system': ['dbs'],
                   'ts': 1379782015.863179},
           'das_id': ['523dcd7d0ec3dc12198a4498'],
           'dataset': [{'created_by': '/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=computers/CN=wmagent/vocms216.cern.ch',
                        'creation_time': '2012-02-24 01:40:40',
                        'datatype': 'mc',
                        'modification_time': '2012-02-29 21:25:52',
                        'modified_by': '/DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=People/CN=Alan Malta Rodrigues 4861',
                        'name': '/ZMM_14TeV/Summer12-DESIGN42_V17_SLHCTk-v1/GEN-SIM',
                        'status': 'VALID',
                        'tag': 'DESIGN42_V17::All'}],
           'qhash': 'e5ced95dd57a5cfe1a3126a22a85a301'},
          {'_id': '523dcd7f0ec3dc12198a44c6',
           'cache_id': ['523dcd7f0ec3dc12198a44c4'],
           'das': {'api': ['fakeDatasetPattern'],
                   'condition_keys': ['dataset.name'],
                   'expire': 1379782315.848377,
                   'instance': 'cms_dbs_prod_global',
                   'primary_key': 'dataset.name',
                   'record': 1,
                   'services': [{'dbs': ['dbs']}],
                   'system': ['dbs'],
                   'ts': 1379782015.863179},
           'das_id': ['523dcd7d0ec3dc12198a4498'],
           'dataset': [{'created_by': 'cmsprod@cmsprod01.hep.wisc.edu',
                        'creation_time': '2011-12-29 17:47:25',
                        'datatype': 'mc',
                        'modification_time': '2012-01-05 17:40:17',
                        'modified_by': '/DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=People/CN=Ajit Kumar Mohapatra 867118',
                        'name': '/ZMM/Summer11-DESIGN42_V11_428_SLHC1-v1/GEN-SIM',
                        'status': 'VALID',
                        'tag': 'DESIGN42_V11::All'}],
           'qhash': 'e5ced95dd57a5cfe1a3126a22a85a301'}],
 'incache': True,
 'mongo_query': {'fields': ['dataset'],
                 'instance': 'cms_dbs_prod_global',
                 'spec': {'dataset.name': '/ZMM*/*/*'}},
 'nresults': 2,
 'status': 'ok',
 'timestamp': 1379782017.68}

Using DAS CLI tool in other applications

It is possible to plug DAS CLI tool into other python applications. This can be done as following

from das_client import get_data

# invoke DAS CLI call for given host/query
# host: hostname of DAS server, e.g. https://cmsweb.cern.ch
# query: DAS query, e.g. dataset=/ZMM*/*/*
# idx: start index for pagination, e.g. 0
# limit: end index for pagination, e.g. 10, put 0 to get all results
# debug: True/False flag to get more debugging information
# threshold: 300 sec, is a default threshold to wait for DAS response
# ckey=None, cert=None are parameters which you can used to pass around
# your GRID credentials
# das_headers: True/False flag to get DAS headers, default is True

# please note that prior 1.9.X release the return type is str
# while from 1.9.X and on the return type is JSON

data = get_data(host, query, idx, limit, debug, threshold=300, ckey=None,
cert=None, das_headers=True)

Please note, that aforementioned code snippet requires to load das_client.py which is distributed within CMSSW. Due to CMSSW install policies the version of das_client.py may be quite old. If you need up-to-date das_client.py functionality you can follow this recipe. The code below download das_client.py directly from cmsweb site, compile it and use it in your application:

import os
import json
import urllib2
import httplib
import tempfile

class HTTPSClientHdlr(urllib2.HTTPSHandler):
    Simple HTTPS client authentication class based on provided
    key/ca information
    def __init__(self, key=None, cert=None, level=0):
        if  level:
            urllib2.HTTPSHandler.__init__(self, debuglevel=1)
        self.key = key
        self.cert = cert

    def https_open(self, req):
        """Open request method"""
        #Rather than pass in a reference to a connection class, we pass in
        # a reference to a function which, for all intents and purposes,
        # will behave as a constructor
        return self.do_open(self.get_connection, req)

    def get_connection(self, host, timeout=300):
        """Connection method"""
        if  self.key:
            return httplib.HTTPSConnection(host, key_file=self.key,
        return httplib.HTTPSConnection(host)

class DASClient(object):
    """DASClient object"""
    def __init__(self, debug=0):
        super(DASClient, self).__init__()
        self.debug = debug
        self.get_data = self.load_das_client()

    def get_das_client(self, debug=0):
        "Download das_client code from cmsweb"
        url  = 'https://cmsweb.cern.ch/das/cli'
        ckey = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.globus/userkey.pem')
        cert = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.globus/usercert.pem')
        req  = urllib2.Request(url=url, headers={})
        if  ckey and cert:
            hdlr = HTTPSClientHdlr(ckey, cert, debug)
            hdlr = urllib2.HTTPHandler(debuglevel=debug)
        opener = urllib2.build_opener(hdlr)
        fdesc = opener.open(req)
        cli = fdesc.read()
        return cli

    def load_das_client(self):
        "Load DAS client module"
        cli = self.get_das_client()
        # compile python code as exec statement
        obj   = compile(cli, '<string>', 'exec')
        # define execution namespace
        namespace = {}
        # execute compiled python code in given namespace
        exec obj in namespace
        # return get_data object from namespace
        return namespace['get_data']

    def call(self, query, idx=0, limit=0, debug=0):
        "Query DAS data-service"
        host = 'https://cmsweb.cern.ch'
        data = self.get_data(host, query, idx, limit, debug)
        if  isinstance(data, basestring):
            return json.loads(data)
        return data

if __name__ == '__main__':
    das      = DASClient()
    query    = "/ZMM*/*/*"
    result   = das.call(query)
    if  result['status'] == 'ok':
        nres = result['nresults']
        data = result['data']
        print "Query=%s, #results=%s" % (query, nres)
        print data

Here we provide a simple example of how to use das_client to find dataset summary information.

# PLEASE NOTE: to use this example download das_client.py from
# cmsweb.cern.ch/das/cli

# system modules
import os
import sys
import json

from das_client import get_data

def drop_das_fields(row):
    "Drop DAS specific headers in given row"
    for key in ['das', 'das_id', 'cache_id', 'qhash']:
        if  row.has_key(key):
            del row[key]

def get_info(query):
    "Helper function to get information for given query"
    host    = 'https://cmsweb.cern.ch'
    idx     = 0
    limit   = 0
    debug   = False
    data    = get_data(host, query, idx, limit, debug)
    if  isinstance(data, basestring):
        dasjson = json.loads(data)
        dasjson = data
    status  = dasjson.get('status')
    if  status == 'ok':
        data = dasjson.get('data')
        return data

def get_datasets(query):
    "Helper function to get list of datasets for given query pattern"
    for row in get_info(query):
        for dataset in row['dataset']:
            yield dataset['name']

def get_summary(query):
    Helper function to get dataset summary information either for a single
    dataset or dataset pattern
    if  query.find('*') == -1:
        print "\n### query", query
        data = get_info(query)
        for row in data:
            print row
        for dataset in get_datasets(query):
            query = "dataset=%s" % dataset
            data = get_info(query)
            print "\n### dataset", dataset
            for row in data:
                print row

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # query dataset pattern
    query = "dataset=/ZMM*/*/*"
    # query specific dataset in certain DBS instance
    query = "dataset=/8TeV_T2tt_2j_semilepts_200_75_FSim526_Summer12_minus_v2/alkaloge-MG154_START52_V9_v2/USER instance=cms_dbs_ph_analysis_02"

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