DAS, version development

CMS DAS queries

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CMS DAS queries

Here we provide concrete examples of DAS queries used in CMS.

Find primary dataset

primary_dataset=Cosmics | grep primary_dataset.name
primary_dataset=Cosmics | count(primary_dataset.name)

Find dataset

dataset primary_dataset=Cosmics
dataset dataset=*Cosmic* site=T3_US_FSU
dataset release=CMSSW_2_0_8
dataset release=CMSSW_2_0_8 | grep dataset.name, dataset.nevents
dataset run=148126
dataset date=20101101

Find block

block dataset=/Wgamma/Winter09_IDEAL_V12_FastSim_v1/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RECO
block site=T3_US_Cornell*
block site=srm-cms.cern.ch | count(block.name), sum(block.replica.size), avg(block.replica.size), median(block.replica.size)

Find file

file dataset=/Wgamma/Winter09_IDEAL_V12_FastSim_v1/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RECO
file block=/ExpressPhysics/Commissioning10-Express-v6/FEVT#f86bef6a-86c2-48bc-9f46-2e868c13d86e
file dataset=/Wgamma/Winter09_IDEAL_V12_FastSim_v1/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RECO | grep file.name, file.size
file dataset=/Wgamma/Winter09_IDEAL_V12_FastSim_v1/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RECO | grep file.name, file.size>1500000000
file dataset=/Wgamma/Winter09_IDEAL_V12_FastSim_v1/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RECO | sum(file.size), count(file.name)
file block=/ExpressPhysics/Commissioning10-Express-v6/FEVT* site=T2_CH_CAF
file run=148126 dataset=/ZeroBias/Run2010B-Dec4ReReco_v1/RECO
file dataset=/ExpressPhysics/Commissioning10-Express-v6/FEVT | grep file.size | max(file.size),min(file.size),avg(file.size),median(file.size)

Find lumi information

lumi file=/store/data/Run2010B/ZeroBias/RAW-RECO/v2/000/145/820/784478E3-52C2-DF11-A0CC-0018F3D0969A.root

Find parents/children of a given dataset/files

child dataset=/QCDpt30/Summer08_IDEAL_V9_v1/GEN-SIM-RAW
parent dataset=/QCDpt30/Summer08_IDEAL_V9_skim_hlt_v1/USER
child file=/store/mc/Summer08/QCDpt30/GEN-SIM-RAW/IDEAL_V9_v1/0000/1EAE7A08-187D-DD11-85B5-001CC47D037C.root
parent file=/store/mc/Summer08/QCDpt30/USER/IDEAL_V9_skim_hlt_v1/0003/367E05A0-707E-DD11-B0B9-001CC4A6AE4E.root

Find information in local DBS instances

instance=cms_dbs_ph_analysis_02 dataset=/QCD_Pt_*_TuneZ2_7TeV_pythia6/wteo-qcd_tunez2_pt*_pythia*

Find run information

run in [148124,148126]
run date last 60m
run date between [20101010, 20101011]
run run_status=Complete
run reco_status=1
run dataset=/Monitor/Commissioning08-v1/RAW

Find site information

site=T1_CH_CERN | grep site.admin

Jobsummary information

jobsummary date last 24h
jobsummary site=T1_DE_KIT date last 24h
jobsummary user=ValentinKuznetsov

Special keywords

DAS has a several special keywords: system, date, instance, records.

  • The system keyword is used to retrieve a records only from specified system (data-service), e.g. DBS.
  • The date can be used in different queries and accepts values in YYYYMMDD format as well as can be specified as last value, e.g. date last 24h, date last 60m, where h, m are hours, minutes, respectively.
  • The records keyword can be used to retrieve DAS records regardless from their content. For instance, if one user place a query site=T1_CH_CERN*, the DAS requests data from several data-services (Phedex, SiteDB), while the output results will only show site related records. If user wants to see which other records exists in DAS cache for given parameter, he/she can use records site=T1_CH_CERN* to do that. In that case user will get back all records (site, block records) associated with given condition.

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